Champions Park Clubhouse
is located at 13635 Champions Park Drive
Houston, Texas 77069
The clubhouse and pool are available for rent to Champions Park residents only. The resident must also be up to date on all HOA yearly dues. Private events may be reserved up to three months in advance.
To reserve the Champions Park Clubhouse, contact
Simeca Bush
Phone: 832-515-7051
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can rent the clubhouse?
Only Champions Park Neighborhood Homeowners may rent the clubhouse. You must be up to date on your HOA Fees as well. We do not allow residents that Lease or Rent a homes in Champions Park to use the clubhouse.
What days are available for me to use the clubhouse?
The calendar shows Confirmed Rental Days (shown as Busy all day) and Community Event Reservations (start time shown as busy). There may also be Tentative Rental Reservations that are not shown. Tentative reservations are given a week to confirm or cancel and we can call you if your preferred date becomes available.
How much does it cost to rent the clubhouse?
The cost to rent the clubhouse is $100 for the main room per day and $110 for the cleaning of the clubhouse after your event. The room deposit is $250 or $500 depending on if Alcohol will be served at your event. If there are not damages your deposit check will be shredded.
What is included with my rental of the clubhouse?
You may use the main room, the kitchen, and the restrooms. In the storage room we have chairs and tables for your use and basic cleaning supplies. The main room is set up with a sofa and loveseat plus four club chairs and five wooden tables with chairs; you may move these items for event.
Can I use the conference room or office?
The conference room can be used for an extra $5 rental charge. Food and drinks are not allowed in this carpeted area. The office cannot be used; it is reserved for the CPHOA Board of Directors.
How many tables and chairs are there?
86 folding chairs on a rolling rack located in the main storage room
3 round wooden tables, 4' diameter, with 12 padded chairs
6 round plastic top tables, 5' diameter
3 round plastic top tables, 4' diameter (can seat 4-5 people)
9 rectangular plastic top tables, 6' length
8 square card tables, 3' x 3'
How many people will the clubhouse hold?
About 98 persons can be seated at tables. 108 persons maximum are allowed in the clubhouse per the fire marshal.
Can I decorate for my event?
Yes, with restrictions. We have installed hooks at the ceiling throughout the main room for hanging decorations or banners. You may tie balloons to chairs or tables. You may bring centerpieces or table arrangements. You may not use tape, double sided poster tape, staples, thumb tacks, ticky-tack or other gummy adhesives, glue or any other adhesives on doors, counters, windows, chairs, walls, ceilings or painted surfaces. Decorations outside need to be hung with tape, no nails and/or screws are allowed.
How is the kitchen equipped?
The kitchen has a great deal of counter space and has a sink, a refrigerator with freezer, a stove, an oven, and a countertop microwave. The kitchen has a ten cup coffeemaker. In addition, you will find basic cleaning supplies (Windex, 409, dish soap, trash bags, paper towels) and safety equipment (fire extinguishers & first aid kit). We do not stock ice, coffee filters or supplies, cups, napkins, or plates.
Do I have to clean the clubhouse after my event?
Every rental includes a full cleaning from our cleaning crew. You are responsible for cleaning up any messes that are beyond the normal usage, take out all the trash including the kitchen and bathroom trash and furnishings returned to their original locations.
Can we use the pool during my event?
Yes, during normal pool hours. Please let us evaluate whether additional lifeguards might be needed. We will need to make special arrangements and our pool management company will set up the extra lifeguard and fees associated with this.
Will I have a key to the door outside to the pool?
No. You will not receive a key to the door connecting the clubhouse to the pool. Your clubhouse rental does not include pool rental, but your guests are allowed to use the pool during regular operating hours during your rental. Your guests will need to exit the clubhouse and enter the pool area through the main gate and sign in as your guests.
Can I use the pool after normal operating hours?
Yes, if you rent the pool. You may rent the pool in addition to your rental of the clubhouse for use after normal operating hours. This requires advance arrangements for the required number of lifeguards during that time. Pool Rental is coordinated through the Pool Management Company. You will pay the additional rental fee for the pool area, an additional security deposit, and the cost for lifeguards.
Can I have exclusive use of the pool for my event during normal hours if I rent the pool?
No. We will not close the pool to residents during normal pool hours for a private event.